Thursday, May 24, 2012

Acidic Blood and Acidic Foods Versus Alkaline Blood and Alkaline Foods

Acidic Blood and Alkaline Blood
Human blood may be classified as being either acidic or alkaline. People with acidic blood cannot control their temper. Dragged around as slaves of their wicked temper, they sin unintentionally, and afterwards regret what they have done. Even though they may decide never to do it again, when placed under the same circumstances, they make the same mistake without even knowing it. At times they fight with other people, and even after they murder people, their resolution is temporary. Because they cannot control their temper, it is difficult to predict when and how they will cause trouble. In the end, they cannot even trust themselves. However, those with alkaline blood have the ability to control their temper and may not commit an unintentional sin.
People with acidic blood have difficulty recovering from fatigue; it may last for a week or even a month. However, people who have alkaline blood can relieve all their fatigue with just one good night of rest, and they are filled with vitality the next morning. In addition, when they run, those who have acidic blood become exhausted quickly because they have little endurance, while those who have alkaline blood can run the full distance an win since they have endurance. Therefore, although people who have acidic blood gain weight, they cannot run for extended periods. When there is an epidemic, they are infected first because their bodies are unable to ward it off. On the other hand, alkaline blood has the same qualities as an alkaline solution and so after a bedbug or a mosquito carrying a contagious disease bites someone who has alkaline blood, it either dies or goes way immediately. Since the blood destroys all the germs that have entered the body, the person cannot become infected with that contagious disease.

Acidic Foods and Alkaline Foods 

Our blood can either acidic or alkaline depending on what foods we eat. When we eat acidic foods, our blood becomes acidic and when we eat alkaline foods, our blood becomes alkaline. Let us examine what foods make our blood acidic and what foods make our blood alkaline.
                The foods that make our blood acidic are white rice, meat, white flour, peeled fruits, cooked vegetables, liquor, tobacco, sugar, chemical seasonings, soft drinks, kimchi, and animal oils. A lack of oxygen, acidic and lead us to a life of misery.
The foods that make our blood alkaline are unpeeled fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, brown rice, food made of whole-wheat flour, nuts, and vegetable oils. In addition, people who consume fresh air and water and live a life filled with love, joy, peace and constant gratitude will have alkaline blood. Saints who will be riding the clouds to the new world will practice this diet.
Brown rice is good for our health because the germ is intact. Not all rice is the same. Brown rice sprouts when soaked in water, while polluted white rice decays.
Not only does white rice make our blood acidic, it is what cancer feeds on. However, brown rice is living; it makes our blood alkaline. It can also help cure cancer because it is an anticancer food. Because brown rice cures cancer while white rice induces it, we should eat brown rice. Long ago, cancer was not as widespread as it is now because the skin of the rice was only slightly removed when it was husked and the rice would be eaten with its germ left intact.
An analysis of the nutrients in a bowl of rice shows us that it is very nutritious. It is equal to approximately 3.6 liters of milk, twenty eggs, or fifty sheets of dried laver. In addition, the husks of brown rice contains the best fat, because it is completely soluble in water, it cannot be seen when dissolved in water, therefore, when it enters our blood vessels it circulates throughout our body well and provides us with energy.
These days, due to the modernization of civilization, we strip the husks from our rice and feed them to cows and pigs. Cows and pigs do not have cancer, and even if you do not purchase medicine from drugstore for them, they grow fat and live healthy. However, by eating polished white rice, humans have become constitutionally sick. If a family that consumes ten sacks of white rice per year were to eat brown rice, they would consume less than seven sacks of brown rice, which is much more economical. Moreover, eating just one bowl of brown rice is beneficial to us and fills us with strength, while eating a whole sack of white rice is rather harmful.
The same is true for the fruits. These days, people peel fruits such as apples or pears that have been sprayed with large amounts of agricultural chemicals before eating them. However, we should not peel our fruits when we eat them, peeled apples are exposed to the air oxidize very quickly and start to decay. On the other hand, apples that have not been peeled remain the same even if they are stored for several months or a year. Fruit peels contain many nutrients as well as many remedies and antidotes. 
Yet, people feed the peels to livestock while man suffers from numerous maladies that stern from eating peeled fruits – fruits that are devoid of remedies, nutrients, and antidotes. These days, some people claim that fruits must be peeled before they are eaten because of the high usage of agricultural chemicals. This sounds plausible. However, let us say that only 50% of the agricultural chemicals from peeled fruits enter our body. Even though only 50% of the chemicals from the peeled fruits enter our body, they cannot be properly discharged from our body, and accumulate within us. On the other hand, though 100% of the chemicals from the fruits that have not been peeled enter our body, all of the chemicals are discharged from our body, and we are supplied with nutrients. For that reason, we should eat fruits that have not been peeled the more they have been sprayed with chemicals. Among all the fruits, the skin of pears contains a strong antidote (counteragent). If you feed juice pressed from pears that have not been peeled to a person who has accidentally drunk agricultural chemicals, he (she) will be detoxified and recover in no time. It is also recommendable to take charcoal powder at the same time. A dog dying after eating rat poison once survived after being detoxified with juice pressed from pears that were not peeled. Therefore, if a person becomes intoxicated while spraying agricultural chemicals, it is best to feed him pear juice and charcoal. God has given us all these foods as remedies. Our heavenly Father never handed Adam and Eve a knife in the paradise of Eden saying, “Peel the fruits before you eat them” We will be returning to Eden soon and so we should return to our original life in Eden.
The same is true for vegetables. When spinach is cooked, it becomes harmful and can cause kidney stones. However, if we eat it raw, it contains living enzymes that are very beneficial ot our body. It is better to eat vegetables raw and not cook them as much as possible.

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